BLOG description

This blog is a record of soups we have tried from recommendations from recipe books, friends, the web and other places. How we liked them or didn't as the case may be.We try to find different soups to try each week and make the meal fun by inviting friends to share.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Awesome soup #19 Bloody Mary Soup

Bloody Mary Soup

Now this one did not come from the Soup Bible. it came from another super recipe book called the Soup Bowl also given to us by our friend Sally.This soup sounded so different and interesting that this is one Mike just had to try.
After all we all like Bloody Mary drinks don't we?  So why should we feel any different about a soup of the same name.

Unfortunately , although it had some very interesting ingredients, it was not a soup I  would want again. The soup , as expected ,called for tomatoes. I bet you knew that. Also the usual ingredients for soups : garlic, salt, pepper, and basil. As you might also expect from the name, a very small amount of vodka was included. This actually did not add to the taste as all The alcohol gets cooked away and as you also probably know, vodka doesn't have much of a taste by itself, if indeed any at all. But what did alter the taste was the Worcestershire sauce and the Tabasco sauce. The recipe did not give any amount of these to add and I think Mike was a  bit 'heavy handed" with the bottles. So the overall effect was a smooth tomato soup which was as hot as chili. Quite a surprise!

 Mike who likes hot, peppery tastes gave this soup an 8.5 and I gave it a 6 . I thought that was generous as I can't abide a burnt mouth when I am eating.
Fortunately I had made some brown wheat rolls which actually this time  came out the size and shape they should be so we calmed our fiery mouths with warm soft rolls with lots of butter and long gulps of a nice white wine. All was not lost.

Our conversation included a discussion on when Soup Days should end as our weather is getting warmer. Maybe our hot mouths just made it feel that way. Maybe after May 1 we will convert to Fabulous Salad and Desert days . How about that?
I'll let you all know.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like Bloody Marys much prefer a pint of Ale, and I bet there is a recipe for beer and Beans soup.
    Maybe we can invent one!
