BLOG description

This blog is a record of soups we have tried from recommendations from recipe books, friends, the web and other places. How we liked them or didn't as the case may be.We try to find different soups to try each week and make the meal fun by inviting friends to share.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Paint & Draw together -Old master style

This was a 8x10 painting in acrylic on canvas board I did in response to a challenge put out by the blog, Paint and Draw together. I hadn't painted for some time and the previous paintings were done with oil and using only a palette knife. That leads to very long brush( knife) strokes and you need to use a very different technique in doing a painting in the style of the old masters. Both enjoyable  but this was more demanding.

1 comment:

  1. That looks good Shirley! Reflections in the silver mug are excellent
